To Book Your Consultation or to Talk To Us Directly,
Simply Fill In The Form Below.

**Feel free to communicate with us in either English or Maltese.

By the way, want to Get Started with Feeling & Being Lighter? If YES, Fill-Up the Quick Questionnaire here >>

So that we see whether we can help you or not 😉

Hafna jkunu jixtiequ jibdew u ma jkunux jafu minn fejn.

IDEALMENT, Biex nsiru nafuk u nara nistghux nghinuk, jew jekk ikunx ahjar nirreferuk ghand xi hadd iehor, kemm timla’ dawn l-ftit mistoqsijiet li ssib hawn >>

Nitkellmu 🙂

Matthaeus Grasso,
BSc. (Hons.) Sport & Exercise Sciences (UK)
A New, Better Life


Alternatively, you can;

– SMS / Call us on 99003909
– Send us an e-mail on
– Send a Private Message to our Facebook Page:

We will get back to you with our reply, as soon as possible.

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A New, Better Life is a fitness gym / fitness center / fitness studio in Naxxar, Malta made-up of a Team of Fitness Trainers / Fitness Coaches and also a Graduated Nutritionist specialising in Fitness Classes for Fat Loss, Toning, Health, Energy, Positivity and so much more.

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